Manage Stormwater and Wastewater At Your Facility With Fortrans pH Control and Neutralization Systems
Our wastewater treatment pH control and neutralization systems use CO2 for pH control instead of corrosive acids to reduce the pH level. Fortrans CO2 pH control systems also lower total dissolved and suspended solids to levels that are acceptable for legal discharge. Please note that all of our CO2 pH neutralization systems and pH control systems can be used to reduce BOD and COD by installing a Dif-Jet gas injector for air or pure oxygen.
Compliance with The Clean Water Act
How to Treat for High pH and High Solids
Choose the right pH control system for you, or contact one of our associates for assistance, pricing, and customization options available in these models:
- 5000B Standard Compact pH Control System
- 5000SP Small Portable pH Control System
- 6000 Series High-Capacity pH Control Systems
- Poli-Cut Batch pH Control System with Integral Tank
- 5000M pH Monitor and Data Logger
Additionally, be sure to check out all of the available 5000-system accessories for your manufacturing plant’s pH control device from Fortrans.
New! Controller with Web-Based Monitoring and Control Now Available as an Upgrade.
Features a built-in data logger for pH and flow. Access data from the web or download to a PC from SD card.
100% web functionality that allows every pH control and neutralizatoin system operation to be done using a web browser. Set or adjust relay settings alarm settings and more.
E-Mail notification to alert users for an alarm or relay condition. Standard visual alarm on system is included with base package.
Contact Fortrans, Inc. today to discuss the CO2 pH control and neutralization system needs of your facility. We are available online or by phone at 866-958-7267.